Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Fourth of July!

This time last year, Big Philip and I were sitting downtown Homewood, watching the fireworks over Birmingham....and at some point timing what we hoped would be the "real thing" contractions. Alas, we had to wait just a little over a week longer. This year, we tried really hard to keep Little Philip awake for the 9:00 p.m. fireworks again but he was just so tuckered out. We had some friends over for a cookout. Philip's favorite girlfriend is Sadie Bekurs. Don't you think they are photogenic? Sometime around 7:30 p.m., those that still had it in them left for the street party downtown Homewood and to watch the fireworks. We cleaned up, put "little man" down to bed, and smiled at the thought of our happy little family, thanking God for our peace and safety in the good ole USA.

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